Your history does not begin with slavery.
Black Birthright is the journey of a lifetime for Black American students. In traveling to Africa, our Scholars learn their hidden history, experience the Continent’s rich culture and develop a stronger sense of self and purpose.
The Experience.

“I wanted to come to Africa. I wanted to experience my roots; to explore where I originally came from and to find out who I am and who I want to be.”
- Natoya German, Black Birthright 2019 Scholar
The Salon:
Awakening Your African Mind

The Salon shapes minds for Black freedom.
Through our immersive program in the year leading up to travel, Scholars learn African Diaspora history to acquire knowledge of self, knowledge of ancestry and knowledge of events that have and still impact the Black condition.
An awakened mind is the foundation for liberation.
Our Scholars.

“Black Birthright has reinforced my view of my racial identity. Through intergenerational dialogue and discussions with my peers during The Salon: Awakening Your African Mind, I have had the opportunity to engage with incredibly inspiring topics that further strengthen my perspective of my Blackness.”
- Alexander Gil, Black Birthright 2020 Scholar